REACTION: Comprehension is very vital in a person's life. If you don't know how to comprehend, then you wont learn, you wont grow as an individual. When reading, one must comprehend or else you cannot consider that reading at all. Just as the article had stated, many student have problems with reading because they don't understand what they read. First, if the person has a language problem, he/she would really have a hard time reading and understanding. Naturally, if someone is poor at a certain language, then he/she wouldn't understand what he/she reads at all. If the foundation skill of reading hasn't been properly built, then that is like playing a game without knowing the rules at all. Lastly, if the words used aren't understood by the reader, therefore he/she cannot fully grasp and internalize what the story, article, lesson, etc. is trying to relay to it's readers. Parents must always try their very best to help their kids understand and learn the art of comprehending, because if the kids do not learn this, then they cannot see hoe beautiful the world is if you know how to comprehend and read.
Breakfast is often referred to as the most important meal which should one-fourth to one-third of a person's recommended daily allowance. For teenagers this is the period of rapid growth. Accordingly, school children who skip breakfast have greater hyperactivity, irritability and anxiety; more disruptive classroom behavior, more tardiness, and a decrease ability to concentrate and solve problems.
Skipping breakfast would greatly affect the learning abilities of students. This will give negative impact not just to learners but to the teacher as well. The classroom environment will be distructed due to the abnormal attitude of the learners. This would somehow create trouble or chaotic situations due to its hyperactivity and irritability effects of skipping breakfast. Students could no longer have focus or learning concentrations on the subject matter. They may find themselves difficulty to actively participate to the performance task given by the teacher. They would perhaps loose their interests in learning.They could no longer solve problems and they could hardly grasp the learning. These are just few to mention of the domino effects of skipping breakfast. Based on the studies conducted, they have come up with various factors affecting theintake of breakfast. Students must practice themselves to be responsible enough in their day to day activity precisely on their studies. They should discipline themselves to wake-up early in the morning in preparing their breakfast. They should be practical enough in choosing their breakfast that is full of nutritional value. Being so responsible and practical are the key towards healthy mind and body.
In teaching, motivation is the most important aspect in learning to students. Motivation is a way of boosting the interests of the learners. It is necessary that students find the topics very interesting and enterprising. They should appreciate learning as a very enjoyable and exciting day to day activity.
In order to motivate students to participate in class, here are some educational tips: 1. Be passionate - as a teacher, you must be passionate and enthusiastic enough in teaching.You must always possess confidence in teaching so that when you radiate passion and enthusiasm in the classroom, it will spread like wild fire to your students. 2. Encourage participation - provide extra-points or give rewards to those that are actively participating the class. 3. Engage them in a mind warm-up - give the students an activity that would enhance their mental skills and abilities. 4. Provide colorful and attractive visual aid - colorful and attractive instructional materials are important in teaching in order to catch the attention of the learners. 5. Give physical exercises - if you find that students feel bored and sleepy during your class discussions, then provide them physical exercises to eliminate boredom and doldrums. 6. Change your routine or teaching styles - it may sound monotonous for students to be exposed with the same routine of activities or teaching styles. It would be much better to change it and find some interesting one. 7. Give everyone a chance - as a teacher you should give all the students a chance to participate in the class in order to boost their self-confidence and elicit responses from them. 8. Relinquish some control - as a teacher, you should give the student a voice and a choice. You should let them express their ideas and opinions and give an opportunity of their own choice.
This motivational tips in education are helpful in providing the most effective and efficient learning to students.
Long stay of listening to the discussions and lectures of the teachers in the classroom may sometimes create boredom on the part of the learners. Learners may feel bored and may sometimes loose enthusiasm in grasping the learning. Some learners tend to sleep or if not, they presumably present in the class but their minds are actually absent. With this kind of situation, there is no occurence of learning.
Teachers should be creative & resourceful enough in looking some activities that would somehow awaken themselves from boredom and doldrums especially to early childhood education. They should make learning enjoyable and very interesting. They should then cater the needs and interests of the learners just to irradicate boredom and doldrums of the learners. They should establish excitement from learning so that the learners would always pursue their studies.
Play for me provides a great contribution to learning. It gives a lot of benefits to the learners. Accordingly, learners who have physical activities are mentally active and alert compared to those who are not. Through play, interpersonal skills will be developed.
It will help boost their self-confidence because they will develop a spirit of belongingness. They will be helping and sharing their ideas and skills in their play. Good communication skills and vocabularies will be enhanced. Finally, through play, you are teaching the learners to become responsible enough in the future even without inflicting force to do their tasks.
Another impressive act rendered by our concerned individuals from our prestigious group sector in our country who gave their scholarship support to our young achievers in the country. They're able to promote learning as well as enhancing or changing quality of their lives. They are truly instruments towards the realization of their learners' dream. The chosen gifted learners are blessed with an essential gift of knowledge, will and dedication that their love ones are truly proud of. Another academic excellence that they bring to our country for attesting the degree or the status of our learning. They're able to contest to the world that our education is not far behind, indeed it is something that is reliable one.
Our government has really done their part in upgrading our education system in the country in providing health information drive to all schools in the country. In coordination with the DOH (Department of Health), they're able to spread information and knowledge on various diseases affecting our Filipino learners throughout the country especially on rainy season. Dengue is the most common viral diseases affecting the health and nutrition which might lead to mortality of our young children. The DOH together with Barangay Officials have conducted seminars about dengue prevention and waste segregation to every household to have a zero-rate casualties case. They also have organized school visit to assess learners condition by providing medical check-up. Learners are rest assured of the threat if their is proper waste management and disposal in the home and in the school as well as the entire communities.
Education and technology are team-up to build a better education. It is said the education system will not progress much if technology is absent. A concept or theory is learned lessif application is missing. Therefore the student is the one to discover his or her own learning through the use of technology. It is then easy, fast, and reliable hence the student can make use of the internet to do some research. Computer is a great help for the learning processes of the learner because it adds relevant insights and give some clear view of some vague concept. Therefore, it is a must for the learner to be an expert user of the different applications in computer for him tobe globally competitive.